Saturday, February 28, 2004

Apparently, these are the best years of my life! I just wish I had some time to enjoy them.
Today is the perfect example of my life. I get up, throw on some clothes, spray some perfume so that I may maintain that feminine persona even though sometimes I feel more like a slug, I work, I sit for like 5 minutes and cram in some homework into my overlly swollen brain, and then go back to work.
Its a vicous routine that most wouldnt have the heart or the stamina for, but I guess I bring it on myself. I've tried the mellow route, and to be completely honest, unless I have soemthing to do all 24 hours of the day, I slip into a lethargic depressed state. I need to feel I have some purpose, no matter how trivial. I often wonder how many people are out there like myself. Scrounging, scraping, sweating, and loving every minute of it.......

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