Sunday, April 03, 2005

For a Good Time Call Pope John Paul II!!!

So today marks the day of the death of the Pope. Seems like a pretty big deal right? Honestly, I'm not what you would call a religious person, more like a spiritual one, but I can still see the significance of his death. He was a world leader, Christ he had his own fuckin city. Wait can I say christ and fucking in the same sentence....? I'm not really to sure on the rules of these things. Anyways, he died yesterday and the whole Christian faith mourns. I can understand that, but man do I not understand where the modern religious ideals have gone.

For instance, last night at work, (keep in mind that I work in a bar) I nearly peed on myself when I caught a glimpse of the words: "Rest in Peace Pope John Paul II April 2005", on the back of the stall door.

After recovering my balance and turning to flush, what do I find there but another set of "RIP POPE" messages on the wall.

Granted, I am not the most up to date when dealing with the modern religious followers, but seriously, isn't it against some sort of law to use the popes name in the bathroom? I mean really, how ironic is it that the pope is being remembered in a stall next to the words:
"For a good time call Mike X...he has a big ......"

This question really leads me to wonder, how do we define religion in our current world? Have we as a people strayed so far from traditional religion that we can't even see that although our intentions may be right, we're not quite getting it. I'm sure that the pope would have loved to know that a good Christian was getting wasted and thought of him while urinating.

Is it really possible to continue on in life believing the same stories, while knowing there are so many other possibilites? For example, I have always wondered how I could believe in one religion, when if I was born in any other part of the world, I would believe in another. How do I know which is the right one? Oh yeah, that faith thing right??? Well I just don't buy it.

For centuries, and in more dark and isolated times, religion was necessary to give people a reason to get up at the ass crack of dawn, participate in back breaking manual labor, suffer wretched diseases and all for a life span of 35 years. Without religion, and the hope of going some place better, wouldnt every one have just said "fuck it" and try to have as much fun and sex as possible? Think about it, there would be no cities or roads or anything without the faithful people to build them.

But now, we live in a more modern society, not necessarily enlightened by any means, but maybe just a little more aware of the world outside our own private boundries. So now we as a race have a harder time grasping onto the concept of morality and life beyond death. We are a people obsessed with right now, gotta have it, ASAP. How often in our daily lives do we even have time to stop and think about next week, much less next lifetime.

This whole religion thing eludes me. However, I am open to the search for a spiritual understanding of life and all things within. I will read about and consider all angles of modern religion, till I find one that makes sense to me. But I'm pretty sure of one thing, I dont think I will be practicing my faith in a bathroom stall. To me, there is only one throne and concept I can worship at a time in there, I like to keep it simple.


Anonymous said...

I was going to make some sort of a rant aimed christianity and the president, but that is too easy. So here are a bunch of random thoughts.

I don't feel sorry for 50 Cent because he was shot 9 times. I feel sorry for the guy who did the shooting. He fucking failed at trying to kill to 50 Cent and now he is reminded of it everytime he turns on the radio or MTV because there is 50 rapping about another birthday.

Wayne Brady really does make Bryant Gumble look like Malcom X!

George Steinbrenner is the Devil, but Donald Trump makes him look like a begginner.

Only one more...

Condoleeza Rice and Martha Stewart are a match made in heaven.

Oh, and the Vatican isn't just a city, I think its a freakin country. Also, I don't believe using the words "Fucking" and "Christ" in the same sentence isn't that bad. For instance, the other day I was miniature golfing and got a hole in one on the 16th, a par 3, and celebrated with a "Christ, that was fucking awesome!"

Did I say that you wrote a good piece. (I just re-read everything I have typed and apparently I did not.) was good.

Teresa said...

That's right babe - keep it simple...I guess that for a little while the trite rhetorical question 'Does the Pope live in Rome?' can't be used in the same way...

While I certainly think the world should mourn the passing of a truly good human, never more has the media made me sicker with the intense level of focus - an entire week of organized religion getting their antiquated message out there...yuck