Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Europe 2007!!!

Well hello everyone! I just got back from my two-week trip to Europe with my roommate Brad and I thought that I would share some pics and stories with you. We started out visiting some of his family in Germany and later we traveled through Switzerland, Austria and Spain.

Let me tell you one thing, Germans love to eat! And coming from me, that is saying a LOT. I just weighed myself and no joke I gained 4 pounds. Seriously.

So without further ado, here is a (sort-of) narrated journey of my trip through pics. Enjoy!

Thanks to US Airways delays and incompetence, me and Brad had 10 minutes to catch our connection in Philadelphia at a terminal 1 MILE away. Literally 1 mile. I haven't ran that fast since...well ever. Needless to say, we were pretty pooped and smelly for our 8 hour plane ride to Zurich.

This is what boredom will do to you.

One of MANY cakes eaten in just ONE day.

Brad catching up with his family.

A farm next door to some of Brad's family in Germany.

Children of the corn.

I kinda have a thing for statues. This guy is known as Father Leche in Landsburg, Germany.

Landsburg at night.

The Leche at night.

Me and Brad.

This creepy huge painting was hanging on a tower in Landsberg and kind of looks like some sort of old fashioned bonage.

A tower in Landsburg at night.

A farm in Landsburg.

Brad's family walking us around town.

This statue was outside of the Landsburg history museum.

Landsburg Cathedral.

The ceiling of the cathedral.


One of Brad's relatives, Andrea, took us to a German Disco.

Random German boy. They sure do make them cute. :)

The "Robot"

We walked up along these cliffs and waterfalls about 2 miles to get to Neuchweinstein Castle.

View from the top.

Neuchweinstein Castle.

This was the another castle that the king built for his grandfather.

On one of the many long drives through the hills and mountains in Germany and Switerland.

Neuschweinstein from MANY miles away. Just to give you an idea of how big it is.

The port along the Bodensee (Lake Constance) in Lindau, Germany.


Brad's uncle Tom, his Oma and Heinz.

An old city building in Lindau.

The tower Rapunzel supposedly let down her hair. :)

A sunset in Meersburg, Germany.

The Promenade in Meersberg.


In order to get the full German experience I ordered a beer that turned out to be bigger than my head.

After the beer.

Our first hotel in Meersberg, owned by Heinz.


These creepy guys were on a statue that spits on you.

This castle is one of the oldest structures in Germany.

Stairs leading to nowhere.

This statue had many wacky characters in German history including a doctor who believed magnets cured many illnesses, and another doctor who believed that you could relieve all of your ailments through laxatives.

This depiction was of a person relieving all of their ailments and demons through the ass. (Laxatives)

Here is a spider that was hanging over my head at a phone booth. (shudder)

Lucerne, Switzerland.

Back in Meersberg, Brad ordered a burger that was bigger than HIS head. There seems to be a theme in Germany.

A really cool bar in Meersburg.

Graffitti in some Swiss town.

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